This New Fact About Indian Songs Will Shock You

They say that music crosses all barriers of space and time. It can’t be any truer than what you are about to read.
Can two distinct nations, separated by almost 8,000 kilometers, be connected by music? If your answer is No, then a recent discovery by archaeologists proves a new fact. And this has been shocking for everyone on the Indian social networking sites.

What is it About?

Fig:The panel of carvings at Sanchi Stupa (image credit:

Every big discovery is about, …. Well its about something, big! Right?
This one here is about Musical Exchanges – 2000 years old – between India (particularly south) and Ireland.
Yes, the Land of Saints and Scholars; Ireland, has musical connections with India. Songs were written and played by people from this land together!
  • This surprising fact was brought forward by an archaeologist named, Billy O Foghlu
  • He found that a strong connection existed between the Irish music horns – the Carynxes – and the ethnic musical instruments of Kerala – the Kombu
  • The similarity between the two is striking with same bronze material usage and same structural configuration. They were played along with ritual songs of both regions

How Was It Discovered?
Now you might be wondering, ‘’Wait, what… Kerala and Ireland’’? ‘’Really’’!?
Let’s not gonna indulge in the geography of these two places.
Let’s look at the proof!

In your history books in school, you might have come across a place called ‘Sanchi Stupa’ – in Madhya Pradesh, India. That is where a panel of carvings have been found.
Archaeologists believe that this is like seeing time travel through music that go back to two millennia.
Fig: A ritual being held with Kompu, in Kerala

The research is published in Journal of Indian Ocean Archeology.
And here comes the part with goose bumps…
On this panel, is depicted, a celebration of two groups of musicians.
Yes, you guessed them right!
  • These are European and local Indian musicians.
  • The European ones can be seen playing two Carynxes while the Indians are celebrating along with them.

What Comes Next? 
Having established such a deep relation with Ireland, is a massive moment in India’s rich musical history.
Fig: Carynx were used by ancient Celts in the battle fields
  • While popular and new all song from Bollywood rule these days. It is important now to promote India’s heritage and traditional roots of songs.

  • The problem today is that many people don’t know about these classical instruments.

  • So it is important to include arts and music education in mainstream school system. Once people are aware of it, the audience will begin to see life beyond television.

  • Studying such links and researches on Indian songs and musical instruments can further provide clues about India’s glorious past links to Europe that go beyond 2000 years.
What do you think of this wonderful discovery about India’s cultural history? Are there any more surprising findings that you know of? Do write back in the comments.
For classical/semi-classical/regional music, visit Sabakuch and join a community of hundreds of passionate music lovers.
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