Beginners Guide: Sync Licensing Your Music Online


Before the age of digital online music, your success as a music publisher was based on getting ‘’cuts’’ from artists on new records. These days, it depends on the media usages.

Many online music companies are now lending their support to bring new artists to the sync market.

However, many people find this concept to be confusing. So, this beginners guide will quickly take you through the process of sync licensing your music online.

Meaning of Sync Licensing

When a song is ‘’synced’’ to moving images, it is called ‘’synchronisation’’ or ‘’sync’’. In this context, when ‘’syncing’’ is done in the usage of music in films or tv shows, it is called as sync licensing.

Synchronization can also be done with mp3 songs for advertisements, video games, videos on YouTube or any Indian social networking sites.

A certain amount of fee is given to the songwriter or publisher for the usage of song whose licensing is done for sync. Fee is also given to the copyright owner of the master recording.

In simple terms, if you write mp3 songs and do not sell the rights, then you are the publisher. If you own the recording, then you are the copyright holder. And in this case, you would be getting both royalties.

Most of the licenses granted are non-exclusive in nature, and that allows for you to license to multiple vendors at the same time.

Need to License Your Music Online –

Revenue Stream –

Many independent artists who upload songs on different music store online find sync licensing useful. It provides then with a major revenue stream. It is also a great way to discover new fans who listen mp3 online of these artists.

YouTube money –
When it comes to music video hosting, YouTube is the undisputed king. Several licensing programs such as CD Baby can help you make money off of YouTube for your latest music songs.

Additional Performance Royalties –

Also referred to as ‘’Backend’’. This happens whenever your online music airs, in any territory.

While the process of collecting those royalties takes some time, it can be a very nice amount in addition to the initial sync fee itself.

Equal Opportunity –

The songwriter and recording artist gets equal reward for sync royalties. On one hand streaming services pay recording artists and labels six times or more than what they pay songwriters. But, payouts for sync license is 50-50.

Benefit for Smaller Artists –

In the world of music online, smaller artists often remain unseen by mainstream fans. Or by those who listen mp3 online through radio or indian social networking sites.

Such platforms focus on traffic volume and engagement. And therefore, they focus on the latest music songs and old songs too.

How Much Money Can Be Made?

If you use a music online service like CD Baby, your licensing revenue will vary. Expect to earn 60% of all revenue generated from sync placements of your music.

For YouTube, expect an earning of 70% of ad revenue paid for usage of your tracks. But, this varies due to some factors. These are:

  • the kinds of ads served on videos that feature your track,
  • CPM (cost per thousand ad views), and,
  • how many times videos that use your score are viewed.
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