Best Format to Share your Favorite Photos

Our love for photos and images goes back a couple of centuries. The need to have a life-like portrait of humans, nature, etc. forced us to move beyond painting through brush to painting with light i.e. photography

What began as a simple process of taking and making photographs has today turned into a diverse field of study in itself with cameras being divided into either Analog or Digital; from film cameras to DSLR cameras.

With the help of the internet, the spreading of photos has become very easy. One can check some of the best indian social networking sites and find a diverse range of photographs in different formats. However, a couple issues arise for anybody before uploading it on the web.

a.       What kind of file format should be used to do web related work
b.       What kind of format setting should be done in the DSLR
c.       How much of internet data would these formats require to upload

To understand these questions, have a look at the three basic photo capture formats and then decide for yourself:


§  JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group

Pros –
o   Small file size with decent quality
o   Most suitable for web related work
o   Fast to save due to file size

Cons –
o   Lossy compression which means smaller file size but reduced quality
o   Not suited for many re-edits as it leads to loss of quality

§  TIFF – Tagged Image File Format

Pros –
o   Good for publishing photos in textbooks or magazines
o   No compression loss which means great quality

Cons –
o   Lossless compression leads to huge files which take up much of the memory space
o   Slower to read/write than JPEG. Means more time to save and more time and data to upload

§  RAW

Pros –
o   Possibly the best image quality available as they are not processed, hence the name RAW
o   No loss of data due to lossless compression

Cons –
o   Requires processing in camera and additional software to edit
o   Very large file sizes which are slow to read/write

Creating photographs is both fun and challenging. The images define us. They define our memories, expressions, and situations. The images for wallpaper that you search online to set as a desktop wallpaper also define your personality and are able to tell a story by themselves.
So, like them, cherish them, share them.


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